
@c_cornelp: Just tell the geeks that this is how it's done in Japan. That'll convince at least all the anime nerds/geeks. =)

@qakgob: Timer and warmer.

@tyler.derden: I always had a bit of difficulty with flavor and texture when talking about food with some Japanese people (most likely the fault of my inadequate Japanese skills), but I think the best word for texture is 感触 (kanshoku). ... Rice might be in its own special world, though.

@KingArthur: $200-300 maybe, for something you can use almost daily. It's an investment, but worthwhile if you use it. Of course you can make rice easily in a normal pot, but then you won't have the timer and warmer which are marvelous.

@lladnar: There are a bunch of varieties you can do... different vegetables, different sauces, frying the rice too, etc. I eat like this almost every day M-F because I don't feel like spending time on dinner after work. (Weekends are more fancy.)

Step 1: Buy a decent rice cooker.

Eh, If I suspected I had an STD, I'd just see my doctor, or at least go to one of the free STD clinics available. Professional > USB dongle.

@TriGun5312: Maybe that's what he was referring to, instead of Star Trek. Maybe he read a book about space shuttles.... hmm.

@Ace: I'd be too busy looking out the window or floating around the cabin.

@NorCalAngler: I had to read that twice to fully understand your double meaning, but when I did understand, it was great.

It's moist in my stomach.

@ThePr1nce: The main problem is that it's not likely to be a "slow" change, but fairly rapid. Furthermore, even though humans will almost surely survive as a species, the impact on ecosystems around the world will have huge effects on the economy (which depends on the health of ecosystems), basically changing our

Hey Nigel, no need to be a dick. It's not going to change anything.

@ortizlgnd4: I'll admit that I'm not into Japanese phones like some folks, and may not know every detail, but from what I saw in 3 years of browsing their phones whenever I went to a department store is that the only particularly impressive feature is 1-seg.

@ortizlgnd4: We had Android here a pretty long time before they had any (especially decent) Android devices over there. I'm not that jealous.