
German player for the Balloon D'Or? The highest scorer was Ozil wasn't it? That is not a perfectly reasonable thing for the most corrupt commishioner to say.

Having Imperial defectors also makes the Empire seem less menacing. The ENTIRE universe is the Empire's, save the Rebellion. Way more dramatic!

Any bar with a patio so you can chill and read is great.

Your hometown bar is the best bar — you know the lingo, half the people sometimes, and you are an insider by default, no matter what type of bar it is.

there's just something about Midwestern football that seems more real than other kinds.

$40 million not to read, so watching movies, TV, sports (but not the stats onscreen).

Re eyeglasses, if you have metal frames washing them in soap will fade the color, which is sometimes ok but if it's those two tone frames it will look awful. The spray on cleaner has a chemical smell that wears off quickly but with nose grease, dust particles if you simply spray the lenses and wipe it might scratch.

I'm not lying when I say I don't. You're totally nuts. And excusing this.

Gawker couldn't move fast enough to co-opt Dunham's spirit. The schadenfreude here is unreal. Tell us again, why are you not all hypoctires? You are. Gawker: pro-sex abuse!

The only appropriate way to behave around what passes for "journalists" today.

Bill Maher, two-time Obama voter.

That is how liberals play, you see.

You are a political hack.

'Cause you're political whores for the DNC? Maybe? The politics here is beyond dumb. Don't any of you read? Check out Breitbart destroying you:

Can't believe the Daytona paper ranked my FSU as only 3RD in the nation! Go Seminoles! Woo-Hoo!!!!! Winston shirts for all your kids, c'mon ever'body get on the train!

BIG SPORTS are pretty corrupt. 50,000 at a mid major game, 30 at a poetry reading. America sucks.

He will get the standard gift basket after he whored himself.

You're only highlighting him because he's black, and as liberals you are patronizing toward blacks.

On what planet do you live that you've never heard "angry white men" used derogatively? Especially here?

It's certain textures that kids dislike in food.