
You just realized bro = b word? We're all human, right, so it would not be a stretch to have guessed that? Brooklyn B is spot on and describes Jezebel to a T.

Wow, you're a loser. Exactly the kind of brainiac I'd expect. How about dissing the cookbook and not being an incompetent fuckup so it's all about you?

Forca Portugal.

Or standing up. I read once some economist who claimed the reason everyone stands up at games when the action peaks is so they can see, since everyone else is standing. Un no, you get excited and jump out of your seat.

I was the only Portugal supporter in my bar and I cheered.

I said to a coworker, showing them a picture of Suarez: "What is this guy famous for? Biting someone, cheating, or losing a title on the last game of the year?"

Proof Group G was the Group of Death: all six games were playoffs. Forca Portugal.

Bring up ronaldo and watch the homophobes emerge.

The gauntlet is thrown.

What I mean is, it's so omnipresent it loses it's specialness, the way you find yourself thinking, "Hmm, haven't had a burrito for a while...I'm in the mood." It's not that I want to eat rareified food. It's that a burger has lost its novelty.

I prefer Burger King, the chicken sandwiches, or Arby's for my fast food. McDonald's is just everywhere, like how every pub has a generic burger on the menus and hence it's too common to be appealing.

Forca Portugal. The US dweebs, all coming out the woodwork this week, are going to get their hearts crushed. Remind me again, why do I give a shit if the US wins? I hope it's 5-0 and an own goal and my Facebook feed has lots of comments about hair gel, arrogance, and how attractive Ronaldo is. That would be sweet.

Yes, Ronaldo is a teetotaler.

I really have never seen Rooney dominate a big game. The 2010 WC, Champions League final in 2011, Euro 2012, last Saturday versus Italy. When is he going to show up and score two goals in a game like that?

Doesn't Gawker have a whole Kotaku website? What exactly the fuck did you think you were feeding there, assholes? i used to write reviews of manga and never been prouder to have universally panned them and their "fan service."

Lunch meats like salami, rosemarino, and speck keep me solidly in the PORK camp. I'm rarely in the mood for a burger. I would miss steak but too many pork options.

What exactly does Ronaldo do that draws so much ire? He plays wiht emotion? Wears fashionable clothes? The homophobia is strong when he's being discussed. Love the guy, his social media stuff is nothing but teamwork.

A penalty kick just for that??

Forca Portugal.

Half anti-Boston sports. Telling.