
I guess this shows why fraud is tolerated: it allows a "do-over" when you need it.

I graduated from college in 1995. Usenet, the Undernet, like someone mentioned, web rings. Wow: it all comes rushing back.

Phil was on the same golf team as Scott Peterson. The gay joke pic is great, Deadspin! (NOT).

That doesn't sound like most Bible studies I've been a part of, and certainly not ones that last more than a year. While there's no such thing as too many books, an intelligent portrayal of Christianity is long overdue.

The combination of 1.) all the players of my generation aging out (I'm 41) and 2.) concussions is going to kill my interest in the NFL, I increasingly suspect.

Wrong answers! Oh, and you knew these ones too! You're going to kick yourself when I tell you. It was "you are an idiot and a poor reader."

Pop quiz: "Like I said, you are __ _____ and a poor ______."

Generally you should try to create new responses and not parrot other people's posts. But like I said, you are an idiot. No need to thank me for helping you out though, I'm a people person.

Once again, you fail to read something correctly and are an idiot.

I guess being an adult and thinking critically is not for everyone.

You are an idiot since you just agreed that it happens to the young.

No, college does that.

His anti-gay stance is wrong but he's right, college turned me into a liberal zombie who thought I knew everything - at age 22. Fortunately I recovered.

Seems like you're the one he got a rise out of.

No, you said it was about Obama's snobbery. Don't backtrack now that I've proved you wrong. Like I said, you are an idiot and can't read.

No, you said it was about Obama's snobbery. Don't backtrack now that I've proved you wrong. Like I said, you are an idiot and can't read.

No, you said it was about Obama's snobbery. Don't backtrack now that I've proved you wrong. Like I said, you are an idiot and can't read.

No, you said it was about Obama's snobbery. Don't backtrack now that I've proved you wrong. Like I said, you are an idiot and can't read.

Idiot, you don't know what he was getting at, do you? I never said he didn't say it. As I said, you are not a good reader. You simply assumed it was something dumb and never thought twice about it. You're an idiot.

You have no idea what you're talking about...that's the liberal spin on what he said. you are also an idiot besides being a poor reader.