
Wow, my respect for Deadspin and Tim Marchman just took a serious nosedive. How dare you post such trash like this? What were you thinking?

Stop stalking me.

I suggest you look at the other threads here. You don't seem very well informed, you sound like a parrot repeating things you've never critically examined. Truly an unhealthy way to live life but all too common.

If being informed and asked your opinion by a partner is being treated like a child to you, there is no use talking to you. You are beyond reach in this medium or else grandstanding for personal reasons. I suspect the latter.

Yeah, I stand by what I first said. Gotta make her feel safe and you must tell her. No one here is very convincing.

Good luck explaining that to most women. He's a good sex offender, baby! Gotta let her know.

New Year's Eve is fun for a kid who is staying up very, very late for the first time. midnight? what is that? It seems absurd. Once you can legally drink and go out, it remains fun because 22 year olds travel in packs and are undiscriminating in their taste.

I definitely stand by what I wrote. He was on a molester website, you idiot.

You must tell your girlfriend about the super. He has the freaking keys to your apartment and he's a convicted rapist! Your girlfriend will never tolerate you're withholding this information from her. It's her safety. Think straight, man!

As a Patriots fan living in Brooklyn I still don't see my Pats often enough it feels like.

You're welcome. I read a lot of literary fiction and it makes me a sensitive observer of people's inner dimensions. Just remember that next time you try to defend a venal politician form accusations he's only in it for himself. Who could imagine a politician being like that? The horror!

Don't back down now - I can sense your hesitation and how you don't really believe a thing. Your just reciting lines fed to you. Like I said, you are a low information person. You don't think for yourself. That is a problem. So change. That's all. Not so hard.

I'm actually moderate but pointing out Obama's flaws to people makes them all turn into junior Freedom Fighters. Your whole response is textbook. You THINK you're defedning people, but you are just playing their game. You are completely duped. Seriously.

Your ignorance is just sad. Even the Times is reporting these things now. You are the very definition of the low-information voter and our nation is the worse off for haivng people like you. You should be ashamed of yourself!

This is apparently one of the only shows the Obama children are allowed to watch, from what I read the other day.

Good thing you campaigned so hard for a man who is forcing us all into similar situations! Regret it much? Things like this are on YOU twerps, so just shut up.

How many World Series or ALCS appearances have the A's made? Moneyball is total bullshit.

We live inside your head, huh?

On another topic, what rude sign should we all make to try to get on GameDay? So glad this site does not celebrate bad sports behavior.

The most controversial breakfast discussion is crispy vs. fatty bacon. At my church when we have a Shrove Tuesday pancake supper, there is a bin devoted to each.