
Makes me think of that time Oprah had a blackfamily and a white family switch places, with Hollywood makeup/makeovers, and the white family reported feeling zero racism.

Fan the flames, liberals. Wow - how about being brave and speaking out about the thousands of vigilante threats? Check out what your ideas really produce:

Sorry, but the best sportswriter out there is a fan of Boston teams and there's no amount of sarcasm that will make you the best.

I've been a longtime Esquire reader and that piece was unreadable, very dense and overly long. Esquire does emphasize being a well-rounded person, though. It's an okay magazine.

God help us if the only alternatives in life are the airhead liberal women of Jezebel and the airhead liberal men of Reddit!

I never hear Jezebel readers discussing any of these Part four items. sorry - you all just always sound super rude.

The media these days is just ideologically-driven and anyone dumb enough to consent to be interviewed needs to read up on media bias. If I were famous, I would never, ever comment or answer any questions, even if I were infamous. Reporters are all assholes.

Soledad is pretty much seen as a total moron. See here:

Fine list, all things dudes can work on if they aren't like that already.

Black women are so gross. If white men liked black chicks. you whote women would be singing a different tune. Yeah bitches! Self awaree is a lie

Ghetto baby, born to drugs. Kill it soon. Jay-Z is a woman hater. Never forget.

Men like him feed on adrenaline. "What is the most fucked up thing, the hardest thing, I can do at this moment? OK, I'll do it" is what they think. These men love to destroy. Any man with rage tendencies - break off all contact immediately.

Piers is generally an ass. his anti-gun rights peieces are terrible, he's the typical European who thinks hs culture is better than ours. Ignore him for your own sanity.

Obviously guilty. Big sports fan here, he is a nobody. "Strongly refutes" that it was premeditated. Obviously, an act of rage. A real hero would plead guilty.

Most prostitutes I know do it when they're in their 22-25 year old range, then find a serious boyfriend which may or may not work out. Kind of a phase for hot women: can I really make $5000 a week doing this?

I've always thought WW1/2 romance novels should be a genre. American//British/Scottish soldier meets French/Italian woman near the front. Oh, swoon.

I work with the public and the odd geneorsity that signals priorities matters. That's how you build a good rep. Seen it many times.

Valentine's is fun. If partnered, opportunity to be extra sweet and she won't gag. If single, send Valentine's wishes to female friends to hearten them.

True. I was 25, looked 19. And go fuck yourself.

I am a male and an unaccompanied teenager (girl) was seated next to me on a plane once.