They should watch this, then.
They should watch this, then.
This actually began in Wyoming, Minnesota with a tweet from their PD. Then Canada picked up the idea:
Exactly - I was wondering why a mission this vital qualified as something little-known. More a testament to lack of interest in or education about WWII.
This. The U.S. doesn’t come hat in hand borrowing cash. Other countries park their currencies in the U.S. because it’s the safest place around.
People like the Food Babe are the reason that Airborne is still being sold.
And NOS Lucas electrical components.
Good idea to spend a billion dollars now. Wait till later and it might get expensive.
Good piece. A budget hotel told me that was nothing but trouble for them - and I could have gotten the same price calling them directly. As it happened, they double-booked me by accident, and I had to spend a lot of time on the phone to fix it. The psychic energy lost put me in the minus column for that…
I’d hit that.
Libertarian piffle. Reckless behavior is a crime - the definition of a crime is something against the law - and it’s against the law because it endangers other people. That’s right - in addition to harming other people, you’re also not allowed to endanger other people. I wonder how such laws ever got passed. Something…
Think this through. Many of those bags have duty-free vodka or even absinthe, which would make the fire worse. They were showing public spirit by evacuating the inflammables.
Absolutely. I had a 91 Olds 98 and a 99 LeSabre, and I had to make up excuses to get a newer car, the engines were so durable. A mechanic friend called the 91 Olds 98 the best car GM ever made.
I interviewed him once. Definitely a remarkable guy. Anyone who goes back into racing *just* to make money for his airline has confidence others can only dream about.
“Palmed off” is the preferred expression, btw.
Or a passenger in the passenger seat.
“Fundamentally bad?” Depends on what your fundamentals are. To me, a car can only be good if it’s beautiful and fun to drive. Those are my fundamentals. I don’t require a tank because I don’t spend my life worrying about being hit by one, and I don’t denigrate a car because its tires don’t tell me when they’re losing…
My teenage loved to borrow out 99 LeSabre. It always came back with footprints on the doors and ceiling. It was a great party barge.
I can never get in these cars again without feeling I’m being stared at.
“Oh you’re closing now? I just want to pick up one thing.”