
I bet those guys make some serious bank.

Well, it's not like he lost the new iPhone or anything.

Now that google docs accepts any file type, do they have an extension that will allow you to download any file directly to your google docs account?

@azpat: Yea, I've been Apple neutral up until this point, but shutting down LaLa crosses the line....unless of course their iTunes offering starts to suck less.

@cidus: Thank you, that's what I was going to ask. If you are root, does it open nautilus as root as well?

@thatsmith: Probably because Google Voice is invite only and all of his friends still use Skype.

NICE!!! I love using like 200101002020 dots just for fun.

So now McAfee has released the 5959 DAT that fixes the problem, but the only way to download it is in a 60 MB file????? What the crap??

@Rick Lobrecht: Corporate version is a lot different, but administrator is definitely horrible.

@jupiterthunder: Probably thinking that his comment would show up above this post if you clicked on those tags, which it doesn't.

@Michael Fitzpatrick: Yea, I closed my ING account, partially because of this issue, and partially because the interest rate was terrible.

YES FINALLY!!! All my accounts are in mint, now maybe my budget will actually start to make sense. Has anybody else noticed that downloading transactions seems much faster shortly after Intuit bought mint? I like it.

Now they just need to add the ability to import statements, since they add support for other banks so slowly.

Now all they have to do is make tabs separate processes and I'm sure it will get even more stable. I realize that that the latest beta has this functionality...only took them this long to catch up to Chrome.

So would you still need a Gizmo account for this to work most likely? Or do you think you could use another VOIP provider?

@Norcross: That app just runs google voice out of the browser, it doesn't allow you to answer calls on your computer, and use your computer's microphone and speakers.

@Nathan Howard: I can also confirm that it does not work, getting this error:

On a related note, check out ImDisk

@kb: "It's fine in moderation" Yea, but it's hard to eat it in moderation when it's in EVERYTHING! HFCS is gross, go eat your own popsicle.

@Xander99: I believe the only 64-bit client is Cisco AnyConnect, which uses SSL not IPsec. I would love for you to prove me wrong though.