
Wow so brave

well, considering Texas A and M has a quickly scheduled white supremacist rally today in reaction to Saturday’s events.. I don’t think Texas can be called a neutral state...

I despise the term “bernie bro”. Maybe because it’s meant to disparage people like me.

If you followed Bernie Sanders’ resurgent campaign for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination in even a cursory way, you heard about the scourge of the “Bernie Bro.”

Whenever they make a movie about this they have to hire Cara Delevingne as this girl or there’s no fucking point to it

Just a reminder, ICE’s Employee Union endorsed Trump for president. It was their first political endorsement ever.

So to summarize, ICE is actually ruining the promising futures of young men who came to this country as children, worked hard, and thrived. Meanwhile, the DOJ is busy investigating the tragic plight of the white kids ‘discriminated’ against in college admissions. And over at the Dept of Ed, DeVos is clutching her

Like have never taken weed? I would get a light joint and stay away from edibles until you know how you’ll react/what your tolerance is.

If you could drive the area where I work, you’d see a sea of these workers.....working in 100 degree temps. They go home, shower, eat & repeat....all for scraps. I’m heartbroken, utterly heartbroken....there is no way to express the pain I feel. This very well could have been me & my dad...he was here illegally. He

How to deal with snobs/ smart-a** without losing your cool? Or how to deal with the younger generation/millennials, sibling or not? Asking for a friend.

UK Update:

Where would you possibly get the idea that Black women have to be in positions that they are not qualified for, and that every decent job we get is because of affirmative action? (You know, besides from racism, I mean.) I guess you are not aware that white women are actually the most common recipients of affirmative

Don’t be cute. Just because they didn’t invent a word out of whole cloth, you can’t pretend that they haven’t made a concerted and very recognizable effort to usurp the term exclusively as an insult against left leaning individuals. Cuckold has also existed for quite some time; are you going to try and tell me that

Yeah, I’ll roast him. Rich white guy gets beaten down and joins the alt-right?! He is literally at the height of privilege, so to him, criticism seems like a fucking pogrom.

Maxine is 78. She has zero fucks left to give and she is not putting up with this shit.

They’re not even competent at giving non-answers or dancing around an issue! How did they get to where they are?

Waters: “Why didn’t you bother responding to our letter?”