
There are two problems with LAMs. One is how broken they were in the original BattleTech game. But perhaps more importantly, is aerospace combat in the game at all? Since a significant part of using LAMs was that you could become an aerospace fighter.

Thor 4: The Search for Sif?

Maybe killing Thanos off also leads to the Avengers losing...

For the record: September 15, 1896.

“Those who fail to learn the lessons of the past are doomed to repeat them.” Also known as comic book storylines...

Messed up. Said Salvation when trying to talk about the TV show... Somehow got the titles mixed up while typing...

Some would argue that they made a sexy lady Terminator twice. Once for T3... and the other for Terminator: Salvation. And that one also hunted other Terminators...

“Child of beautiful shadows”. Yeah, easy way to end up a surname... or even a given name...

Reeves understood that the key to the Clark Kent disguise was “role camouflage”. Probably wouldn’t work so well now with facial recognition software, but darn how it could help someone escape notice for being who they really were...

Jeff Goldblum had the best lines in that film. Just the right combo of snark and exasperation...

Yes. It is now Frankenstein with scales...

Having watched a bit of Mayday/Air Crash Investigation and Seconds From Disaster... landing a plane after something like an engine exploding makes you both a bad ass and a damn good pilot. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if this does not end up being covered by the former, maybe after they figure out what happened to

Hell, depending on how recent you want to go, throw in Lita as a possible name... might still have some issues, I guess.

I would posit being in a porn video, especially one that features a “McMahon incest theme”, might qualify...

Add to Thor: He is also iconic of a civilization that felt dying in battle was actually a great way to die.

Closest to voicing Joker for Marvel properties might be Loki... Or Deadpool...

Not sure I’d put Hackman as the worst Luthor ever. He fit the material. Eisenberg was arguably worse.

On this... I think they used a new model from Voyage Home on. As the model used in Wrath of Khan was noted to be massive and accordingly heavy... and they blew up for Search for Spock.

So, how much time left before the events of TOS? I mean there is still time for Burnham to disappear or do something to cause Spock to not mention her (other than Sarek’s bad parenting). And I seem to recall that things with the Klingons were rather contentious in TOS, maybe even to the point of open war (which ST VI

I would like to throw in the Galaxy Far Far Away, as seen in the KotOR games and SWTOR. Whatever you might say about the gameplay (which starts out epic in the Knights games and the original stories of The Old Republic), the worldbuilding and galaxy map are... expansive.