
“Ah, but Mister Frog... I can swim!”

Being I was one of those smart kids, I tend to agree. By that I mean I placed in the top of my class in high school, but couldn’t get a hang of college. Didn’t help that there were several undiagnosed issues on top of that, but still... go from a place where you don’t have to even put effort in to do excellent to a

At the very least, you don’t use an obscure video game/TV show language from something you don’t both watch/play...

There are reports that at least one of the witnesses in the church exchanged fire with the shooter... Almost called him an UnSub, but we already know the Subject...

Last day working at Twitter? Almost certainly. Last day on Earth? Well...

I can forgive her the eight months thing. The first year is kind of important, and it is hard to actually figure out what word to use for your “month birthday”.... Monthy, maybe?

Based on the writing, she is also rather young... so a few mistakes are forgivable...

Considering the photo is from when they starred together in Under Siege 2...

My Pop (maternal grandfather) lasted to 95, and is of the same generation, so... maybe a couple years.

To be fair, going skydiving for your 90th birthday may itself be a sign of no longer thinking clearly...

IIRC, Chult has always been an African-style region in the Forgotten Realms. That was getting nipped at the edges by the “normal” Realmsians (I think from Baldur’s Gate). It also, IIRC, has one of those nice little places that you DON’T want to mess with. As in, it holds a set of large gates that when opened will

Since this game is set in the Forgotten Realms, Chult has always been a bit of an African civilization-type area. With white colonization biting at the edges (at least as I remember from 2nd Edition). Also in that era (and partly into 3rd), there was Maztica, which was the Native American/Aztec region across the

The proverb is about those who forget history being doomed to repeat it. It does not cover whether the forgetting is because of not being told, or willful disregarding...

Depends on the definition of modern. If someone was putting modern as post-WWII...

Depends on the newscast, but sure.

Maybe Brock was so gassed he couldn’t do more than one, so they rushed the finish? Also, there were reports that Brock might have gotten injured early in the match.

So you had a fling with Christian Slater?

It is in the same vein of Chris Benoit. Were his actions caused by the effects of multiple concussions, or was he just a twisted individual?

I hope she was crying. Because it would actually be worse if she was silent...

Have a lot of respect for these guys. Not least because my grandfather was one of the first Hurricane Hunters.