
I hope that if Aliens are watching us, they’re paying close attention to things like this to get a glimpse of our true nature. I love these stories where people from all over rally their experience and technology to rescue people trapped in impossible situations.

You just gave me a minor heart attack. :)

See, this is more like a Han Solo movie should be. It’s about Han Solo, it should be fun. The actual Solo trailer looks...stodgy.

Come off it, he had a Stand By Me “Ya wanna see a dead body?” moment that he thought would get a ton of views.

It’s illogical to assume we completely abandoned all semblance of our more war-like tendencies with the help of only the Vulcans - a race that doesn’t comprehend and wouldn’t be much help managing our emotions after the deaths over 8000 service men at the hands of an aggressive enemy.

Again, I don’t think it’s

That is exactly my point. We’ve come to expect high moral values from Star Trek without ever questioning what dark nights of the soul lead to those higher moral values.

My new fav... nope nope nope nope nope

The full statement. Sorry I cut off the end.

Here is the actual behind the scenes. The had to make a ramp, design it, find somewhere they could do it (legally or ilegally), get a sponsor (suburu) to help fund it, find volunteers, etc. etc.

Guys, do an article on the fact that GoPro stole this footage from another YouTuber without permission and the fact that it was sponsored by Suburu as well. The entire comment section is blowing up about it. Here is the original Devinsupertramp video -

True story, I dated a guy who lived down the street from the ice cream truck depot in the West Village. Around 5pm, every summer evening, they all roll out as an adorably coordinated sugar-fueled cheer army. The jingles were always delightful because even though they were loud, they just sound like happiness.

i’d rather not say

I don’t know, I am person that can like more than one thing. I love both Star Trek and Star Wars, I don’t see a need to choose a side.

I’m no civil engineer, but bashing away at a building with an excavator doesn’t seem like the best demolition method when it’s literally touching another building?

this is awesome. I love this so much.