
Hey, friendly reminder.

Two sentences. One chastising Trump for making fun a disabled person, the other using the insult “-tard.”


You say it was lacking actual neo nazis, but then you say hundreds of cops were there.

And we judge you based on what you lobby for.

Who knew a bunch of black people would have a hard time in Boston?!

That’s cool, but the article is about the Buggy Whip lobby attempting to prevent automobiles from existing.

If we actually supported the troops, we’d pay them better, stop shoving them into meat grinders all over the world, and properly fund the VA.

It’s amazing how the generation that fucked everything up has so much time to shit on millennials for trying to live with how badly they fucked everything up.

That’s still you having to file. It also appears to cover just people with no dependents.

Slap pregnant troop in face - Fine.
Kneel during a song - Destroying America.

It’s almost like there’s some sort of connection here... about a certain type of person... who doesn’t respect another, different type of person... But, I can’t figure it out.

I’m amazed at how many people are commenting without having read the article. I’m just going to quote the most relevant part again and bolt the important parts of that, in hopes that someone will read it.

Until we arrive at that magical Automatic Filing Day— and at my age, I ain’t holding my breath for the millennials to get that shit together, it’s a fucking fantasy

So, this is proof positive of how much bullshit “Support the Troops” is. These women are in uniform and it didn’t mean a goddamn thing to this unhinged banshee, because it’s not really about “supporting the troops,” it’s a weaponized saying used to intimidate people you see as outside the tribe.

Did....did you read the article?
Libby’s point is that Turbo Tax pays millions of dollars every year, so that the government NEVER auto files our taxes for us and we don’t have to do shit. A LOT of other countries do this quite successfully, yet here we are being kept in the fucking dark ages by companies making bribes

A gross sense of entitlement embedded in their very soul from constant and ceaseless reassurance that everything belongs to them? Maybe?

To be fair, it’s not like there is much to say. Do you want them to spell out that the F-35 is not, in fact, invisible, and that it reflects light just like most other objects in the known universe? That our president is a complete and utter moron, doesn’t understand the basic workings of our world let alone the

Um, did you read my comment?

Bruce would have come off as too winking and postmodern. You need that character played completely straight.

Moral of the story: There's a big difference between a semi-pro mascot and and pro-semi mascot.

"It was not the way I wanted it," Lee said. "I'm very disappointed in the lady who did it, and I've told her so.