
"Once one proves they have a large dick, they cannot help but to start acting like one."

Can't somebody stop these pricks!?!?

Booth babes are an embarrassment to us and to the companies that hire them. They just make all gamers look like fat neckbeards that live in their mother's basement and have to obsessively drool over these women because they can't talk to real women.

It's because the Google people were pissed because the fat people took all the food during the aforementioned lunch.

So, a dynamic campaign that actually has a story behind it? You really only see dynamic campaigns in simulators and stuff, and those have little to no story driving them, since they're about being a soldier in a war with no personal investment.

>Dropbox Accidentally Unlocked All Accounts for 4 Hours

In the rock-paper-scissors world of modern warfare, missile beats everything.

>not expected to enter service until 2050

I was hoping that this move would open up some cheaper data plans than what they had before so I could finally get a smartphone.

@axiomatic: No, they're just being vilified more than they should.

You see? People get all pissy about government and corporate corruption, but I have not seen a single person back it up with legitimate evidence that these guys are destroying the very fabric of America. They just say "lol they suck dick" and go on their merry way.

Well, nobody ever forced you to use the internet. You're the one willingly putting your information in an inherently unsafe position with full knowledge that it could be stolen at any moment.

These kind of guys piss me off. Breaking the law just for the shits and giggles. I don't care what they say, it doesn't change the underlying reason that these people are a bunch of losers who obviously can't adjust to the way the world works. What really pisses me off is that they can get away with it.

Before Gears of War, Unreal defined them. Then Gears of War came along and stole all its thunder. Hopefully, after Gears of War, they can move on to yet another defining series. Epic has always made good game, IMO, and if they can pull off two great series, I think they can do plenty more.

Equus rainbodashus?

You win the internet tonight.

Wait, Meet the Spy was released two years ago?

I hate seeing stuff like this. Makes me feel inadequate being 16 and having done exactly zero things remotely interesting.

I feel bad that I had to look up who Ethan Hunt was.