
That lithograph is beautiful, even if it's only 4"x6". For 20 bucks more, this is a great deal. I think I might just have to buy it.

It's a new take on a long lasting series, but it still has the classic Ace Combat feel to it. I like that.

I think the best part was seeing Kinect finally get some hardcore titles. And the Future Soldier Gunsmith thing is perfect for Kinect: a cool and interesting way to interact with otherwise boring menus.

That desert is so devoid of anything, so barren, but it's still the one of the most epic, awe-inspiring landscapes I have ever seen. And the mountains in the distance are, well, I don't even know what to say about those. Other than they really give a sense of scale that's almost incomprehensibly large.

I think Duke Nukem Forever and Borderlands have gotten to Gearbox's head.

Aside from a couple of "painful" presentations (like the Disneyland one), I felt it was a solid start for E3.

This is what Kinect is best at: making human-computer interaction feel fluid and beautiful.

Dammit, Kotaku.

I am so ready for E3.

All you have to do is take a cup of flour

The world needs more flight sims.

Don't place all the blame on the RIAA. They didn't have a lick of power in the actual voting, and they were mostly just supporting a measure that would help them. What's more to be expected? That's pretty much the point of their entire existence.

>Dance Dance Krogan

People actually use the home row?

Bermuda is actually on about the same latitude as North Carolina.

I honestly don't see the point of this.

>and Other BBQ Tips

I have a Zune. Not Zune Pass, but a Zune. I love it. The Zune software for Windows is actually the best one I've ever used. If I wasn't a high school student and had a steady income source, I'd totally pay the $15 a month for it.

This stuff is nothing more than aesthetics, IMO. It looks cool, but is it functional compared to the alternatives? No.

Once you get to philosophy, a loop sets in.