
The more I hear about this, the more I realize they've said nothing about installing Chrome OS onto another netbook that isn't made specifically for Chrome OS. This worries me, as I'd never pay for another netbook just for this, but would gladly replace Windows with Chrome OS.

I already have a netbook. Can I just install Chrome OS on that? Because I REALLY FUCKING WANT TO.

I live in a rural area. I have been my entire life. I will tell you that the novelty of the quietness and solace wears off eventually.

I've always used a mechanical pencil tip to do the job.

This is why I don't get this idea of cloud music. We already have something better.

A lot of people trust the government more than businesses.

Are they going to release just the OS? I have a netbook I would love to use Chrome OS on, and I really don't want to have to pay a subscription to have it on there.

You did. I remember seeing it there too.

The main difference is that having thousands of emails doesn't impair your activities at all. Having thousands of magazines in your apartment is a bit different, seeing as it's almost impossible to move around.

MSNBC is pretty much the Fox News of the left. It should have been expected to see stuff like this.

AOL confuses me. How are they not dead? Not that I want them to be dead (I sometimes have to use their dialup), but it still amazes me that they hold on. Is their homepage THAT popular?

Eh, my internet isn't good enough to use Skype anyway. But I can see good things coming to Microsoft.

Not that big of a deal when you make 62 B I L L I O N a year. These companies are sitting on piles of money incomprehensible to people who will likely never make even .01% of that amount in a lifetime. They can afford these things, and they make even more B I L L I O N S with it.

Well, a higher availability of a software that people pay money to use means more money for Microsoft. Very few people would go out and buy an expensive gadget made by Microsoft just so they can use Skype. People would abandon the service and create a huge backlash against Microsoft if that happened. The software is

I think they edited it. My quote was a copy-paste from about 5 minutes after the story was posted.

That would be Flight Simulator X, thank you very much. Learn your damn sim nomenclature!

Search gods? More like the entire goddamn internet gods.

Terrifying? More like reassuring that criminals can't run from justice.

FINALLY! Seriously, how has it been three years before someone made this?
