The thing about big time Republicans supporting Hillary is that their support makes them a constituency she needs to please. If you’re campaigning with Meg Whitman’s money it’s harder to say things that Meg Whitman doesn’t like.
The thing about big time Republicans supporting Hillary is that their support makes them a constituency she needs to please. If you’re campaigning with Meg Whitman’s money it’s harder to say things that Meg Whitman doesn’t like.
I agree.
This headline is rubbing me the wrong way - it insinuates that this is somehow on par with other senseless murders. You can’t point a gun at the cops, I mean, what the fuck.
Aside from everything else that’s wrong with this, this is why nobody should enter politics at the level of a presidential campaign. Anybody who’s served even half a term on Podunk City Council knows how to tactfully ignore a baby crying during their stump speech without losing their train of thought.
I thought I hung out with her for a whole afternoon, but it was just a mannequin at Forever21.
I’m sure there are large chunks of Britney’s past that she doesn’t remember.
Baby boy is a self absorbed drug addicted idiot who didn’t commit one crime, but multiple crimes, theft, resisting arrest, drug possession and arguably could be charged with automobile burglary which would be a felony (breaking and entering the cab, the breaking would be constructive as had the driver known Mr Fancy…
this baby nero looks like he’d slit my throat to use my blood as rouge. no.
i’m a pacifist but i felt some legit french revolution stirrings upon viewing the instagram account of this modern-day dandy.
Kill it.
It’s freaking me out that Al Gore, in that video, was younger than I am now. I’ve done nothing with my life.
pls stop rubbing your relationship with linc in ellie’s face
Please don’t assume things about me. I didn’t vote for Bernie and am not a hardcore. Also, DWS is hardly a talent. She couldn’t turn the money she raised into results and is partly responsible for the low turn outs in 2014. If Hillary loses, it will be 100% her fault for fucking up a sure thing.
I’m a Berner who will vote for Hillary in November, so I’m on your side and agree the party needs to unify, but this is a really, really stupid move. However talented DWS is, she is tainted, and is therefore less an asset than a stumbling block. Smart moves would include distancing herself from DWS as much as…
Pretty inopportune time for a fire drill.
I’m voting for Hillary, but she makes it harder and harder all the time.
That just sounds like a whole bunch of fake flattery. The Dems have not held the House since, what, 1994? And they haven’t held the Senate since what, 2010? We need a chair who can actually get Dems into down-ticket offices.
So guys. Personal story time. As it turns out, my husband and I are in therapy because he turned into a real solid dickbag last year and....well, anyway. The point is that a lot of our unhealthy dynamic centers around the fact that he is severely passive aggressive.