
My aunt stole my bread pudding with homemade whipped cream. She finally made it up to me by giving me some new bread pudding.

This drives me crazy. I’ll ask my husband if he wants something and he’ll tell me no because he hates leftovers. But the minute I sit down with my oven-heated leftovers he wants to pick off my plate. It’s not my fault you don’t know how to reheat stuff in an oven. Go use the microwave and leave my food alone.

Food stealers get me upset. Went out to dinner with my sister and cousin and we ordered a huge thing of fried chicken to share. My sister said she only wanted veggies and since that’s all she really eats anyway, I believed her. So I’m like “cool, more chicken for me” cause I LOVE fried chicken. End of the meal, bitch

In a just world, the author would soon be torn apart by a pack of dingos.

We should create a VP Emeritus position just for Joe... like, we’ll have a real VP, but he can pop into whatever the current administration is any time he likes and just like, make some jokes, give some advice about working with the Senate, put his foot in his mouth, and then leave for the day.

honestly vp is the best possible job for him, like he was a mediocre senator who was awful to anita hill but now that he has no real power, he’s goddamn delightful

Run indie/join the Green Party? Not that I expected either to happen because he made it clear that he wasn’t going to try to screw over the Dems because he genuinely cares about our country, but there were some supporters hoping for that.

Can we please get Uncle Joe as Hillary’s veep as well? He’s just such a lovable doofus, like a golden retriever.

Stacey, we really don’t need you standing up for us. Especially those of us who are sitting down and shutting up. Maybe you should do the same?

Only those people have lost loved ones in a shooting in their cinema. So not just some random Tom Dick and Harrys from the street.

Even if the theater company DIDN’T have the funds (which they do), you don’t do this. You go bankrupt if you have to. Forcing the victims and their families into financial crisis is monstrous.

And the PR costs of demanding the money from the victims families may be enough to cripple the business entirely- I’d boycott them. Stupid move on their part. Plus, $700,000 in one month seems fairly excessive for any case, though I’m by no means an expert in that field.

Are you kidding?? Cinemark has a net income of 218 million. They can fucking SUCK IT UP.

That’s such a staggering amount of money if those families will have to pay, many will be destroyed financially. It’s unbelievably cruel on every conceivable level... Whoever made this decision is fucking satan.


She looks older than 30.

Normally, I think that cops in this country are out of control and way too trigger happy, but based on what I have read, I am OK with the shooting of Sheats. Anyone who had just done something like that and was armed was definitely a threat.

“This is about punishing you”

This story makes me sick to my stomach. The terror for those girls and their poor father breaks me. Dumb cunt should have just blown her own head off.