Yeah how merciful of them to finally change their policy, but eh they can still fuck right off and as a sexually active gay man I’m still keeping my damn blood.
Yeah how merciful of them to finally change their policy, but eh they can still fuck right off and as a sexually active gay man I’m still keeping my damn blood.
If I knew that my “manag/meglomaniacal dictator would not hesitate to wipe out my entire family if I not only failed to comply, but also failed to communicate the appropriate amount of frenzied national enthusiasm, you best believe I’d be grabbing that saxophone and composing some bullshit superlative compositions.
Ah, Esprit. The actual American Apparel of the 80s (but like, minus the sexually predatory ickiness and much more legit on its principles).
It’s baffling that they’re actually trying to pass this off as a photo of them. It looks like one of those moments in contemporary documentary where bits of old photos are cut up and rearranged multidimensionally for dramatic effect.
Or just like standing in the same room as the people baking them, checking her phone.
Dude couldn't wait til after the cop let him go to do another bump? Damn what a hype.
THIS. There are other ones attributed to her too, and I always want to be like “I BET MARILYN DIDN’T SAY MOST OF THOSE THINGS”, but some of the people I’m already aware are on the “fragile” side, so I often just scroll on by.
But yeah that one’s the worst/most common.
This x 1000.
It really irks me the way discussions around these parts involving crimes committed by teenagers inevitably feature someone screaming how they’re “just children!”. It’s like there’s this binary between a person being a completely helpless child and a fully functioning adult, as if there isn’t a huuuuuge…
I’d say the copy editor that let this slip deserves a good talkin’ to (if he wasn’t probably dead already).
My mom and uncle went to Catholic school in the 50s. My uncle had an unfortunate situation with an abusive nun that involved a ruler.
One year when he was in grade school he would come home each day and throw up. My grandma would ask him why but he wouldn’t tell her. She ended up finding out from the mother of one of…
Uh, I’ve been on antibiotics more than a few times since I was a child and I’ve never known them to have any sort of cognitive side effects. I’m thinking she’s citing them as a ruse and it was all the painkillers. ALL the painkillers.
This headline is so perfectly representative of the laughably disgusting ludicrousness of America’s legal system. I quite literally cannot even.
Haha I had the same misinterpretation. Robo-tripping and getting some pancakes? Hm. I guess.
Hang on- are you saying Jan Brewer actually did something good?
I’m old enough to remember the Clay hubbub and tbh it makes me think slightly less of Sia that she’d agree to be the musical guest alongside him instead of taking a Dunn/O’Connor stance.
That is indeed disgusting. Did you ever determine if she actually was his daughter or not?
Her voice is her main sell, but she, like Mariah, has been known to lip sync the difficult parts (or entire songs) for ages now. I don’t know with what frequency (occasionally or every show), but she has been known to do it.
I agree. It fucking scares me that there is a chance that if either of them become the GOP candidate they could actually win. I like to think they’re so absurd there isn’t but sometimes I doubt it and get freaked the fuck out.
Yeah I’m not talking about range. I’m talking about what makes “a singer.” She’s the total package with the best voice.