
As a fellow Chicagoan I agree, I always gladly take the money. I have family out in lake county, and try to grab a pack when I'm out there because like you said they're nearly half the price. And I smoke American Spirits, so when I'm buying a pack in the city proper it's over $12. I've flat out refused to bum to

He needs to fucking go to prison. And yes, all the adults involved should be publicly called out and shamed, ESPECIALLY that awful, victim-blaming administrator.

Also, and I know a lot of people aren't going to agree with me, but I kind of wouldn't feel bad if the girls that were harassing, threatening, and physically

This is my favorite animal name I've heard in, like, ever.

Yeah she's totally the Kylie Minogue of the Rihanna/Lady Gaga/Katy Perry generation.

You're right. When I was 5 I LOVED Karma Chameleon and and begged my parents to buy me the Culture Club record. That was probably it.

1992ish. Each afternoon I had about an hour and a half between when I got home from school and when my dad got home from work. I was 13, so that time was often spent spanking it. One day I was flipping through one of the many stupid magazines my mom got in the mail and bam, there was Marky Mark in his underwear. So I

Ah, Touche. One of my favorite (and one of the few remaining) sleazy gay bars here in Chicago.

I've actually heard of this happening before. It was here in the US, would have been some time in the 80s or early 90s. My dad told me the story he heard from a doctor friend of his who encountered it in an emergency room. I'd always questioned the plausibility of it; looks like it is possible!

but you don't need that.

I think the whole overprotective father with threats of violence routine generally says more about the father's attitudes & actions toward women prior to having a daughter (and perhaps the guilt he feels for it now that he has said daughter) than anything else.

So, if Miley is the "new queen of pop" largely because of the attention she elicited over the last year, does that mean Justin Bieber is the "new king of pop"? Oh really? No? Hm. Why are the women always considered so easily replacable when it comes to these stupid media-designated honorific titles? Why isn't poor old

Back when I was around that age I heard some friends refer to it as Evil Willie. Now, nearly 20 years later, I still call it that.

As I lay in my bed, I heard one of the roommates head into the bathroom. Figuring he wouldn't be in there too long, I fired up a cigarette and waited for my turn when it hit me like a fucking truck: this shit was not waiting.

The irony of her acting like she's a victim in the whole "stan war" thing is that her "stans" are some of the absolute worst. You little monsters (I say you as you've made it abundantly clear in your verbose defenses of her that you're one of them) are unquestionably the most vitriolic, indignant, vicariously

Seriously. I flat out delete people's comments/responses if I don't like them (usually b/c they're potentially offensive, but I've deleted for lesser reasons). IDGAF- it's my page and I'll rule it w/an iron fist if I damn well want.

I was on accutane when I was a teen. This was about 17 years ago. I don't know that my acne was bad enough to warrant it but it was what my doctor wanted to try. I still ended up with acne scarring anyway, so I guess it's debatable as to how effective it was.

I thought it was amusing without being at their expense, and not shame-y or anything. And I definitely didn't mean to imply that with my last comment. I was thinking more of concerns about the young men being around the teen daughters when gay dad isn't around. Granted, I don't know the details, whether the two young

Usually I withhold judgement on this type of situation. As long as it's not coercive, I say do what you want. There are plenty of guys out there that are willing to be had for this type of thing. I don't know how I feel about the fact that his young daughters are all intertwined in it, though.

This kind of reminds me of ads I see on craigslist every once in a while, ads placed by an older guy or couple (two guys) offering lodging "for free" for a hot younger guy. "For free" meant the tenant would walk around and hang out in various states of undress for the resident to enjoy, and probably jerk off to

I heard something about him hosting some kind of 90s-themed party here in Chicago some time over the last year or so. Some early 20-somethings that I'm friends with on facebook were posting stuff about it. And they were actually going to attend it. I was like, guys, it's not THAT funny.