
white girls gonna white

No sexybamboe? gtfo

Oh look, another bearded, chubby white guy. Methinks there’s a pattern....

Not as bad as that guy’s mom’s decision to carry to term.

I have a feeling everyone is going to be calling the Nintendo Switch Zelda eventually.

I read somewhere that Rand prays to Buddha before meals? That was a joke, right?

Dude, they have an entire reservoir.

It’s about ethics in something something something....

No, it’s obvious that of those hundreds of people, all of the women worked solely on the animations. duh

My bad, being negative about everything/everyone (sans Beyonce) must just be your writing gimmick. Carry on.

TBF, Kara kinda hates everyone and everything.

You Jezzies are a bunch of cucks.

Fuck you and your Rescuers blasphemy.

It’s obvious, look at that face, that’s the height of human genetics right there.

Triggered much?

Dude has millions of subscribers but can’t afford a disposable razor to shave those pubes off his chin!?!?!

Most of the time*

WTF is up with white people and queso? Why do they call it queso? I guarantee you no Spanish speaking person has ever eaten queso.

Lucky you.

Sometimes I read a Jezebel article and I get the impression that I am not part of the intended audience.