Quentin Willson

Disappointed to hear they werent injured.

that is crap logic, yes.

We created america. You must be at least a bit pleased about that.

I think they do understand but theyre so blinded by their fanatical support of her they dont care.

Not wrong. Got you to reply in a furious way.

I possibly shall do from now on! Her fans are morons

I really wish they hadnt made the front end so bland when they facelifted it. The original STILL looks amazing, saw one today, and the back of this one looks great, but that front, its so yawn inducing.

English please

I post on there all the time. Theres some nice people on there who dont automatically turn to abuse if you have a differing opinion, unlike all the people in thread.

I just enjoy infuriating stupid people who turn abusive if they dont agree with what you said.

Butthurt twitter fanatic proves beyond doubt twitter users are stupid.

tl;dr: schnide is very furious.

Its just like shooting goldfish in a bowl. I post a sentence and he rants on and on.

And he bites again.

Well, Ive barely put any effort into trolling you, and you're dancing to my tune with just a few words, kiddo.

to be honest, I think the frankly moronic response to my logical posts shows conclusively that people just want to be offended on the internet.

Wow. He stewed on that response the entire weekend.

Of course its a joke, you utter retard.

I even recommended this post just to get you started.

Wow, you're furious.