Quentin Willson

Are you going to tell me I dont go to a dentist now?

what vauxhall was the vega? wikipedia doesnt mention anything and I cant recall what it could have been

Yeah that post just proved you are not an adult.

No, there was a study done at washington university no less about the effects of NOX particles, and they were found to be negligible. You can download it if you want, its by Meryse Styles if I remember correctly.

Such anger. Such impotent anger.

lol, didnt even recognise the south park quote.

I dont think you understand.

The volt is amazing, but its hardly your normal hybrid. A Prius, for instance, is not as efficient as a diesel.

Yeah, Im so full of rage I write gigantic essays on the internet.

the fact you have your own complaints shows how right i am. It happens and you cant stop it. To think you can is deluded, as has it stopped?

its not wrong though, is it? anything does go on the internet, and always will. Its not policable.

And think about this: Europe doesnt want hybrids and buy diesels.

Diesel cars are better than petrol cars with reference to carbon dioxide, the global warming gas.

Diesel cars are better than petrol cars with reference to carbon monoxide, a poison.

Diesel cars are better than petrol cars with reference to hydrocarbons which cause cancer.

Diesel cars are similar to petrol cars with

I love how angry Ive made you. You are positively foaming at the mouth.

to be fair, as a kid, I was influenced to start smoking because of F1.

the Adams a quality car.

theyre not very good, thats why. A normal diesel gets better milaege than pretty much all hybrids

see, that sounds like you enjoy trolling trolls. Nothing they can say will annoy you.

lol, you think theyve left.

lol, he counted how many individuals disagreed with me.