My parents have a 500 and 500L both of those cars have had nothing but oil changes in their 4 years of ownership. Are the cars the best in their class? No, but they do their respective jobs well.
My parents have a 500 and 500L both of those cars have had nothing but oil changes in their 4 years of ownership. Are the cars the best in their class? No, but they do their respective jobs well.
Report it and move on. Check back in a year or two to see if FCA stuck to their word. Maybe do a new review on the Giulia to see if the kinks have been worked out. I don’t know any one of these rational level-headed approaches would be much better than the drivel they spew here.
Bullshit. Daimler nearly killed that company. Fiat has made it significantly better, just look at the financial reports.
So 3-4 people out of thousands of these cars sold? Yeah that definitely warrants all the belligerent opinions.
You opened the floor to the dick swinging, not me.
I plan to own one in 2-3 years time. Sorry for doing a doctorate in an engineering discipline.
*Insert stupid joke about Italian cars here*
Why is that hilarious? I’m pretty brand agnostic, but I don’t think Alfa deserves the constant hate that it gets.
Laugh all you want, but that is the truth. If you bought a Giulia off the lot today, I doubt you would encounter any issues with it. Sadly for Jalopnik and the other idiots behind this failed smear campaign, the cars are moving off the lots.
Been living in the Bay Area for 9 years. Apart from a few rich assholes, the carscape on the freeways is pretty dismal. Mostly Subarus, Camrys, Model Ses, and other compliance type EV/Hybrids.
What a fucking funny guy you are! Holy shit I cannot contain myself!
The issues are all entirely overblown, none of these cars have left anyone stranded. If you actually cared to do any research, you would find that the issues are mostly software related are fixed in 20 minutes. Most of the SW kinks have been worked out at this point and personally I wouldn’t hesitate buying one at…
Oh FFS. My BMWAMGMsport broke down today, everyone stop the presses!!!!1111
Drive the 85, your mind will change quickly.
To be honest, Bay Area people aren’t car people and hence have the worst taste in cars. They believe in the appearance of being green without actually being green.
and I think Tesla is like, well dating a girl from eHarmony. She ticks most of the boxes, but the sex isn’t particularly memorable.
Failed miserably? By what metric? They had a software bug that is remedy by an update , I would hardly call that ‘failing miserably’.
Bull shit. The electric motor + battery is older than the ICE, Tesla isn’t giving us any new tech.
The review car never died it went into ‘limp home’ mode and second of all, the issue was quickly remedied by a software update.