Ferruccio Lamborghini's Clutch

It’s only bad if you are a vested fan of a specific team who wants to see a championship.

There are a couple of factors you don’t account for in this comparison: profit margin and union labor quotas. Mercedes can afford sacrifices in human efficiency because the profit margins in the products is hefty compared to margins that exist in the Model S/X (In fact I’m not convinced they have any, since Tesla has

The Model S and X interiors sucking ass.

Yeah that will be VW/Audi/BMW/MBZ.

lol you think that interior is bad? Just wait until you touch the material in the Model 3...

EV cars aren’t that complex. Sure the stupid doors might throw a wrench in things but it still doesn’t account for the lack of efficiency. One thing I noticed when touring the plant long ago, they don’t utilize nearly enough automation for their interiors compared to the competition. They also have a shit ton of

Even if you take away all the R&D and upper management, Tesla would still lose in human efficiency.

Is it possible to not look like a tool in this car?

Very awesome! sidenote: Please get a better fitting helmet!

I reasoned the same thing when it was first discussed.


Anything other than an Italian V12 is pointless.

The only V12s worth giving a shit about are Italian and this one is benchmark of all Italian V12s.

I feel like this “sneak peak” is just a picture of a Model S taken at an awkward angle with dim lighting. I’m going to guess the TSLA is going to jump like $3 tomorrow because of this...

Nah, automation has been around since the turn of the century and it has only created more jobs. AI once you get to the core of it, is not what many people think it is.

...and it won’t be happening in your lifetime.

The engine technically lives on in the form of the FPT 6.7 NEF...

What’s your best idea to solve that problem? 

This. A million times this.

CA, Santa Cruz Subaru to be specific, I called a few months back to make an appt., they were pretty booked. I dropped my car off yesterday, they gave me a loaner, and my car was ready this morning. I was pretty impressed. The dealer is even going through a renovation and the whole place is nearly torn up and under