
The court is supposed to reflect the people, dingbat.

Aren't you an optimist?

Funny, isn’t it? I remember Naomi Osaka and Simone Biles being treated like they were whiners and should be grateful “we” “let” them entertain us with their skills. Any defense of them was from people countering the people attacking them as weak. Cherokee conveniently forgets that.

Miss Green wore go go boots and they were fabulous.

Who the hell cares?

I’m sorry, but something about Britney just makes wish she’d shut the fuck up. And no, I'm not a jamie lynn fan.

Every time I have lost my phone, my first instinct is to wonder where my dumb ass left it. It has never been my instinct to accuse anyone of anything. It’s so much more likely that I stuck it in one of the many pockets of my too large purse then it is that anyone swiped it. I just don't get people like this.

A $500,000 difference is not a matter of opinion. It’s the company's SOP. Get real and get a clue.

Nice that the St. Mariska fangirls were able to show up to the comment section so quickly.

Say white virgin one more time, you frigging creep.

He didn’t

The only lesson a rapist learns from prison is not to leave living witnesses when he does it again. This guy will kill eventually

Is this mouth breather for real?

Brigitte Bardot is almost as famous these days for her ugly racist soul as she wwasback in the day for her formerly beautiful face.

Straight wash? It's called bisexuality.

Texas and scientific fact do not belong in the same post.

She used to do that on the show a lot. You could have turned it into a drinking game. No one ever corrected her. If they were as mean as she seems to think they are, they never would have passed up so many opportunities to make her feel dumb.

I thought jokes were supposed to be funny. Or at least make sense. 

I disowned a piece of shit dad like this one here. Best thing I ever did.

Lucy and DESI ARNAZ. You can stop being snide for five minutes to read a sentence.