
Team Cat Headquarters here,

Hollywood sends out the message that all young (meaning college aged) women are into older men. Look at all of the movies and PR "relationships", and you will see what I mean. If their only intel or insight into American culture was our media, then they were doomed from the start.


And then he flew to Saudi Arabia, where these things need to be said but never will be.

President Fuck Y'all strikes again!

I'm all for talking about religious intolerance abroad, but Americans who do that and don't acknowledge that Islamophobia is increasingly common (and accepted) in the U.S. need to rethink that. Same with Europeans...

I must be extremely cynical since the first thing I thought was "only three months?!" Baby steps.

Anecdotal evidence says yes, this is true:


nah, the most punk rock thing ever was that girl in L7 taking out her tampon and throwing it in the crowd at Reading.

A priest once told me a joke about easter porn. You know, when Jesus gets nailed.


Whenever the republicans talk about babies; I can't help but picture them all as babies... I assume they all looked more or less like this creepy bugger:

"For my part, I'm currently wearing some super-lustful yoga pants, but have yet to shower today."

As a college freshman I thought I was hot shit going after a senior RA the first week on campus. I wasn't even attracted to him, but was swept up by all that authority. Oh, the power! One thing led to another, and when things began to get hot and heavy he bent his lips into my ear. My mind raced with excitement.

This ballerina dude who was in charge of "gospel dance" at his new age-y church. When we were done, he rolled off, and put a handmade hemp bracelet on me with five different colored beads.

Rihanna is too good for Leo. Stop encouraging him. She deserves a supreme being of infinite perfection. Not that bearded weirdo.

Those guys also shouldn't have worn pants with zippers, they were just asking for it.