
I want to fire tiny lasers OUT of my vagina. When you can swing that, give me a call.

For anyone who criticizes women for not reporting rape, or for taking a long time to come forward (I'm talking about those people who refuse to believe the allegations against Bill Cosby), you can see in this interview how hard it is for any woman to talk about it or admit that it happened to them. Even years later,

He is 18 and he's been criminally charged as an adult. Nothing unusual about identifying him.

We have faith that our courts will provide justice for the survivors and that this step will aid in their healing process.

Good. Fuck him and his Bieber hair.

What a relevant username.

Also during this interview, Rock talks about how he's happy with his success: "Yes, it's amazing. I love being famous. It's almost like being white."

So, let me get this straight: Missori cops want to punish black men for putting their hands up and saying "Don't shoot." Hrm.

I just hope someday she can see that video through clearer eyes. It was ugly and uncaring and she married that person. For now I'll hope she's safe. That's really the only thing I can find to do.

I asked him what happened when we got out of the elevator. He told me he was terrified because security was there.

My friend was sexually assaulted at a college party one night, so her boyfriend found the guy's home phone number and called his mother in the middle of dinner to tell him what he had done.

You had never seen a person repent so fast before.

Believe victims, guys. Even if we don't like who they are as people, or they're "tryhards" or their art is dumb. Believe them.

Rape victims are treated like garbage by the vast majority of police, we just went over this with the Cosby case. What happened to Shia is not okay and I hope he gets connected with whatever supports he needs.

Why cant she just hide her awfulness away? Such a mixed bag with her, she can be awesome but is fundamentally just kind of a meanspirited looneytoon who should stay the fuck away from twitter.

I'm pretty sure this would work on me at 34. YES to cheese, sir. YES to robots.

Wasn't it just last year that businesses here in the States were fighting for the right to refuse service to gay people because they behaved in a "shocking" manner? Sadly, we have more in common with Saudi Arabia than we are willing to admit.

It's the war of the Divas, everyone!