
Maybe ESPN's next special will be "Women Explain What it Feels Like to Get Kicked In the Balls".

Those boots are nice Dodai but for me it's all about the jacket.

There was no immediate MEDICAL reason for her to be sterilized. (As far as we know) It wasn't being asked of her to address any issues having to do with HER immediate health. The only factor here that is coloring everyone's opinion is that this woman is in jail. She's a "bad" mother.

I'd like to note that this illustrates one of the major problems with privatizing prisons - the state can fore a bad employee, and then that employee can seek employment with a private company that has a contract with the prison. There's nothing the state can do about it because they don't have the authority to fire

I can't believe nobody has made an app called iBleed

Imagine the shitstorm if they'd been gay. Christmas + Birthday + Lottery win, I reckon.

There are so many things wrong with this, the least of which is that it's denim on denim. She doesn't look comfortable in the pants... They look like they don't fit. They are some weird length between capri and cigarette that is really unflattering, especially when matched with sky high stilettos. The faux ripped

"...big butts exist in the realm of man..."

And, with porn, everything is on my terms. I can say no whenever I want to. I can do what I want to, I can do what I don't want to. I'm in control..

Are knee highs back??? I've been waiting for this day for like 20 years.

I more of a Matthew McFadyen-in-a-field-at-sunrise kind of a girl, but I appreciate the sentiment.

Elliot Cowan forever

Okay, I had a couple of glasses of wine at dinner, so maybe I'm overreacting?

NO NO NO KILL IT WITH FIRE. I already dislike "bump" intensely enough. Let's not make it worse, hmm? It's your belly, if you need to be cute about it. That's about as far as I can go without my gorge rising. "Baby bump" makes it seem like a tumor, and as we all know It's Not A Tumah!

It may be one of those archaic laws that never got off the books, like "No using your carriage on Sundays" or something.

the most surprising part is that this DIDN'T happen in Florida

This should have given the woman a clue.
