
Yes, that is true. Some people spend years in therapy and don’t get better, because of a variety of factors; maybe themselves or the quality of their psychotherapist.

Right, there is no physiological basis for mental illness, just the integration of society and engineered “social” networks. Mental illness is a new modern problem; hasn’t been around for too long.

I question quality of counseling of marriage counselors and social workers who “don’t charge that much money?” Mental health counseling, even for “simple counseling,” whatever that is, requires continuous training and skill, just as much as any doctor. Social workers have advanced degrees, which requires


I can’t take it anymore.

Please stop referring a woman who sleeps with a man who is married as a “mistress.” There isn’t an equivalency for men; it’s an offensive and sexist word.

Yes, but the Rabbis said the quote in Akkadian, not English, so there’s that.


David Letterman was an asshole to all, plain and simple.

This is my favorite thing all day!

Iyengar! It worked for me!

I was introduced to her books in 1991 in college, in Louisiana! I devoured all of her books, and I met her in person, where she signed one!

You can’t entirely blame Bernie for this; Vermont is 95% white according to 2014 Census Bureau estimates.

Thank you for pointing it out!

That’s the answer!

Donate to Planned Parenthood here:

Fuck those fucks!

What the hell is a BCO?


I have this same affliction/revulsion. It’s a hard life.