
Well played, sir. Well played.

I've always loved the 'look' and intuitiveness of the Sense UI. Probably because I always felt that Google failed users in the experience department by just leaving out tiny little options that would really have improved the overall feel of Android. However, Sense is just huge and pretty resource intensive.

I think the happy path would be the development of 'smart' on-screen buttons that would in effect vanish to allow for additional screen real estate when needed and then reappear when needed, or summoned via some kind of swipe gesture or orientation change on the device.

Sorry, I'm not completely buying that one.

Black Power!? :)

Nick Fury action figure sold separately?

I guess the whole "United States" thing is just a formality from where you stand, huh?

Looks EXACTLY like pure ICS to me.

Phone Camp?!

And what would you do with this new power that is so different from what you are able to do now?

That. Was. Simply. Awesome!

Nah, it would've been fine.

Obviously it's 'Calvin Klein'...aka Marty McFly.

You're comparing to a 10MM round fired at anywhere between 800 to 2200 feet per second, at point blank range to this?!

Hate. Skinny. Jeans (AKA Genital Crushers).

People rioted over THAT?!! *Throws up in mouth a little*

There are actually mods currently available that allow the iPhone 4/4s apple logos to glow.

Nah, it's not so bad. "Impractical" would be a phone adorned on both the front and back with glass panels.

I exactly know what you mean. The problem with motorcycles is that safety on them is somewhat counter-intuitive and people tend to wanna hit the brakes when things go crazy, instead of rolling even more on the throttle and leveling things out.