
"....According to Gizmodo, the original article we posted yesterday isn't really us being assholes. It's a common incident caused by an employee's over doucheness to humiliate a private citizen."

What did the cops say to the iceberg thief?

I understand the need to expose a vulnerability such as this one.


"There You Go!" :)

Meh! Button blocks are a terrible idea! It's a killer of would-be awesome games, in my opinion.


I go caseless and often with no (screen) protection...that's right. I said it!

I like how he politely shuts the cockpit canopy after exiting and then high-fives the pilot :)

Where's AGNOT?!

Well shit. I feel so sorry for those poor Republicans. Why are they always being victimized by the Liberals?!!!


Gingrich much?!

My heart really goes out to this girl who is showing such courage and strength in the middle of her adversity.


It's all good, buddy.

Why does this make me excited and giggly as a school girl?

Sure. Just like Apple did with their 'Hello I'm a Mac and I'm a PC' ADs. Not every AD has to be designed for people who don't get nuance. It's poking fun at the culture of people waiting in line for a phone that 'kinda looks a lot' like the last one.

That gel cray!

Ball so hard...