Despite the evidence, Loretta Lynch wouldn’t let Comey indict Hillary last July because Bernie would have gotten the nomination.
Despite the evidence, Loretta Lynch wouldn’t let Comey indict Hillary last July because Bernie would have gotten the nomination.
Just out from the Wall Street Journal: “Federal agents are preparing to scour roughly 650,000 emails contained on the laptop of former Rep. Anthony Weiner to see how many relate to a prior probe of Hillary Clinton’s email use, as metadata on the device suggests there may be thousands sent to or from the private…
Clinton +1. But that’s in the skewed ABC/WaPo poll and it was taken BEFORE the FBI news broke. ( LATimes has Trump+2)
Anthony Weiner is now cooperating with the FBI. Hillary should just drop out now.
But Kaine’s just another Soros puppet.
There already is video of her lying under oath to Congress - a felony. I think she was counting on Obama pardoning her.
That’s always been my fear with her - that she’ll set our gender back decades.
She can be impeached right now even though she is no longer Sec of State. The results of that would be that she would never be allowed to hold office. And if Congress starts impeachment proceedings now, Obama won’t be able to pardon her.
Trump can be crude; Hillary is corrupt. Choose carefully.