
I would sell my kidney for that! An interesting part of history, and a Beetle. I want it!

I love the Cherries. They are tough and lovely.

CMOPS are a good thing because waiting at the pharmacy at the VA is worse than waiting at the DMV. And I’m not exaggerating. I have no issue waiting at the DMV. But the VA pharmacy? Rage inducing because we have to have a consultation prior to getting the prescription, so you have to wait in two lines in the pharmacy.

I will have to say that when I lived in Germany, I ate better. I think this happened because they had less processed food, the food at restaurants were amazing, and everyone was always out and about, even the older people. I think Americans could learn from that.

If you can wear Victoria’s Secret, they’re not that big. Most people I know that are big chested (me included) can’t wear VS.

I think people within did, such as Bannon. I have a feeling he likes pulling the strings so that his vision of the country can come true.

Accusing others for what you have done is typical abuser behavior. None of this is shocking. It’s sad, but not shocking.

Did you read the article yesterday from Shaun King about a teen who was killed in a hit and run while walking. The driver got off with probation. Why? The woman was white and the kid was a PoC. Racists will construe this new info to make it fit into their view of what happened.

Exactly. People don’t see what unions do for them, thus, the union isn’t doing anything for them. I know a guy who is a manager of unionized employees. To demonstrate that unions are useless, he asks, “What has the union done for you?” Most of the workers will say nothing because they don’t understand that the union

Part of that, I think, is due to people not seeing what unions are doing for them now. They take for granted the higher wages, and just assume that’s the way it is/should be. To make unions relevant again (or to get people from bashing them), we would need them to do something great, like take us to a 35 hour work

We all know JFK was killed by Ted Cruz’s father.

And this will be a great picture to bring out when hes older.

That is adorable. It’s great that the Queen is understanding. I’m sure being a great-grandmother helps. Even when you are a royal, you will have a meltdown.

Now, it’s more of the sleeve. I am considering it too. Doctors are now worried about putting in a foreign object that is supposed to stay there. But, that is what I was told.

This surprised me a bit. I really thought men talked, boasted really about how many reps they did. I don’t know. I had a very stereotypical view of this.

I’ve noticed women talk more in the locker rooms. There is always a conversation going.

This is more than I expected. Not as great as the place you described, but good enough.

The name really shows that we elected children.

I believe that an accident happened, and her father was there to clean up the mess.

The line “she was alive and was going to be OK” is very telling. It was an accident that her and her father covered up.