
The male characters on this show get so much fucking slack, whereas the only female character allowed to have flaws is Arya, and only because she’s strong in a masculine way.

I think it was your segment on “How to please your sibling in the bedroom” that was the big problem, there.

That got cancelled? Damn. The Westerosi morning news competition must be stiffer than I though.

Chicago, see Jon Snow’s ass, early and for free.

Heckuva job, Brannie.

Perfect avatar/username/comment synergy.

He was hoping to slay her with his valonquar, if ya know what I mean.

I imagine the grizzled, gray-haired HBO Editor of Shows yelling at Benioff and Weiss in his smoke-filled office. “I want ice! I want fire! Dammit, I want less Thrones and more Game! Dammit! The door will provide you with a swift kick in the ass on the way out. Also, get me pictures of Spider-Man!”

Me think hordes of undead should only be musicians.

Cersei gives no fucks. She’s hilarious.

My wife finally realized tonight that the only reason I watch Game of Thrones with her is because I think the girl on the left is really cute.

Politics Corner - Tyrannical Old Racists Have to Stick Together edition. I discussed what Sheriff Arpaio was convicted of yesterday (gross oversimplification is continuing to use racial profiling in defiance of court orders) - I want to start today with a couple of his other crimes which are arguably worse. This is

Posers. The only way to get an authentic Cersei is to fuck your brother, piss off a bunch of religious fanatics, then let one of them chop off your hair before they yell at you while you walk home naked. At least that’s how I did it.

Pop a vein already, you fucking crook.

Or maybe...she’s going to become the next Pope?! The signs are there, people!

Whoa. You have to kill three popes to get into the Illuminati? That’s a lot of pope killing.

Uh...what? There is absolutely nothing in the show that has established some sort of contagious zombie plague. The dead don’t rise beyond the wall until they’re dead.