
"Don't come around here no more, pond scum!"

Mob violence is always the answer.

Wee wee

What a drip.

"Winter is coming… and so is Snow."

Blue Balls

Franklin said some things Whitey wasn't ready to hear.


Like Theon, those hackers have no dicks.

It was a real kegger.

Not now, Davos! (toilet flushes)

I put empty time capsules of diminishing size in a large time capsule and hid it…somewhere.


Stem cells from aborted fetuses. We liburuls need them to survive.

My entire kingdom is going up in smoke later.


Darn, I wanted to make the joke about Ballers being the new Arli$$. Have Rob Corddry killed.

I'm fine with the "you in Guantanamo" part.

He definitely has bad blood.

If you've never heard of Taylor Swift:
1)drop everything
2) meet me in the pouring rain