Queef Latinah

Shame on this councilman! This kind of voter suppression is not funny and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent the law allows! Hopefully, everyone already knows that the election is Nov. 8 for Independents and Democrats and Nov. 28 for Republicans. Make sure y’all tell everyone.

But it didnt ruin models for you?

I have forever been completely grossed out by Tobey Maguire. He always looks sweaty and derpy and just not someone I would ever fuck with.

Fucking kinja

...is Leonardo DiCaprio wearing a Green Bay Packers hat?

Clubbing for months? Those poor seal pups.

That’s why I’ve always preferred burgundy.

Their hate has no legit outlet except for their own stupid faces. Buncha stupid faces.

These maroons are poltroons.

You really can’t fix stupid.

Stupid racist ears need the most attention.

Also stupid ears.

It’s to bad those words will fall on deaf ears.

It’s more fun stomping on a human face than it is something abstract like free speech.

That’s a beautiful statement. Hopefully the fact that she put a human face on the people being threatened stops the hate.

Listening to that Access Hollywood video about Donald Trump has made me clench so tight I am confident my uterus isn’t going anywhere.


That’s insane for $17k...

Nearly my reaction verbatim.

Eh, I know I probably shouldn’t but I tend to give people who lived through WW2 a little bit of leeway on being stupid about this sort of thing.