Queef Latinah

He has a 100% rating from NARAL, genius.

100% rating from Planned Parenthood ought to silence that argument. He’s a catholic, but so is Biden. He’s personally against abortion (which shouldn’t matter anyway because he’s a man he can’t have one, so....).

So can we look forward to a repeat of Biden destroying Palin with this dude vs. Pence? Please?

He is *not* an anti-abortion candidate. He may be personally pro-life but he stands for choice in office. 100% rating from Planned Parenthood, 100% from NARAL.

Reading over a summary of his career today, I was pretty impressed by the number of different and important positions he’s held. I’m surprised we haven’t heard of him as a potential presidential candidate. I’ll be interested to learn more about him. I know the news outlets have portrayed him as a centrist, and assume

He also (and people forget this) made it to the final round of vetting FOR OBAMA. And he wasn’t even a Senator then.

Just a reminder that back in ‘08, when Obama picked Biden, everyone was like “That boring old white dude?” And now we’re all like UNCLE JOE PLEASE DON’T LEAVE US.

He’s not an exciting choice, but he’s a practical choice. I’m okay with this.

So, were you born without the ability to recognize a joke, or was it surgically removed later in life? smh

“it’s more than possible to carry on a lengthy monologue or discussion in bite-sized, character-limited chunks, so that aspect is just objectively, demonstrably wrong”

It’s an obvious joke too, can’t believe anyone would get upset over it lmao.


It’s not even going to happen. Malcolm Butler will get there first.

I really hope they’re compatible. That’s such a great excuse to slut it up with your husband before he’s your husband: “I have to make sure we’re sexually congruent. We’re going to be fucking each other for the rest of our lives.” Take that, abstinence!

Relevant...OK not relevant but still freaking funny.

Given her propensity for sheer dresses cut to the navel and slit to the hip that dress is basically Kate Middelton levels of modest.

Honestly, I don’t believe for a second they haven’t been fucking, unless they’re mutual beards. And yes, anal and BJs count.

I def need more info about her dress. Ciara as a human kinda bugs me, but girlfriend is GORGEOUS and has amazing style.

Oh yeah. Am right here for her- like her or not, this shit is odious.