Queef Latinah

And no mention of Morley safer...not even once

I irrationally hate Billy Eicher so Ross wins my vote!

he seems the most dick-ish in these exchanges while Ross seems like his genuine sweet self. This is a case of someone (Eichner) appropriating something that’s been done on late night tv since the 90s if not longer

I don’t think it’ll become the new “Congratulations, how wonderful,” but it could become the new, “So long, and thanks for all the fish!”

In all seriousness, Billy Eichner is coming off as a huge asshole here. It’s really off-putting. The other guy is coming off perplexed, and rightly so.

No, that was good, I just can’t work it into a conversation very often, whereas Happy Pride is pretty easy for at least one month out of the year.

I can’t decide which was better, this or the whole thanks for.passing, we had a great time part.

It’s not nearly as pithy or deadpan, but I now want “Happy pride & good luck with everything in the future!” to become this decade’s “Congratulations, how wonderful.”

Like, Mathews and Eichner aren’t serious here right?

I think Ross is hilarious. I watched Billy on the Street for 5 min, did not laugh, and have never watched it again.

Ross should have referenced Steve Allen. Boom.

I was giving it to Ross anyway because he’s one of my I Just Like His Face people.

I like Ross’ last word. this one goes to Ross!

Sorry Dave, coconut water from nuts straight off the tree is ambrosia

Smoking is Kool


When you ride a dick, you promote a man. Be careful who you promote.

I can’t ride the dick of a man that is ignorant, uneducated, negatively cultural and an embarrassment to be with, talk to or be seen with because of his tremendous lack of just the act of being. Ignoramuses are a complete turn off for me. As well as a deadbeat. That totally makes me dry as paper.

Fuck every single thing about these articles. It’s not funny, it’s not clever, it’s not insightful. Between this and your constant overbearing need to prove how much more whatever you are than Iggy Azalea, you repeatedly out yourself as an asshole.

Aaaand... here we are again, thinking that some criminals deserve a second chance because of their looks. Or believe that someone with such face/eyes would not hurt them, that he has just never met a right woman.