Queef Latinah
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Actually, Google has difficult translating that because while “pátria” (“fatherland”, the native country of someone, from the Latin root “pater”, father) is an actual Portuguese word, “mátria” and “frátria” aren’t. They’re just wordplays with “pátria”, changing the root “pater” for the roots “mater” (mother) and

I would say it’s cool if you think YOUR behavior should change when YOU get pregnant. I’d say it’s less cool if you think MY behavior should change when I get pregnant.

Hey guy I have a question that literally has nothing to do with your comment. I figured this was the best way to get a big number of different suggestions. My family was interested in an idea I had for a Mother’s Day activity. My idea was to cook a meal. While I’m an admitted (and ashamed) connoisseur of restaurant

I was going to say the same thing! Not every day but today in particular. Yesterday I had my exit interview and for 45 minutes my sociopathic boss told me I’m a failure, I have no potential, the company’s problems are because of me, I don’t work hard enough, if I work too hard and don’t have work-life balance it’s my

He was pretty adorable. This is from when we went to meet him the first time. It’s been almost 8 years now!

I pretty much hate everything about my naked body due to porn. This idolized fake fantasy perfection has killed me.

I can understand why her friends would want to stage an Intervention, but you can do one of those without televising it. Rehab, too.

Not looking forward to the sour grapes “Hilary is the same as the GOP” false narrative from disgruntled Bernie supporters that will end up putting Trump in office a la Bush. The GOP benefits so much from Democrats helping to convince their own that a candidate that supports gay rights. Women’s rights, abortion, gun

and diapers.

I voted for Hillary for a whole host of reasons. 1. I think she’s the most qualified candidate by a longshot. 2. I think she’s got a good balance of idealism and pragmatism. 3. Bernie’s populism is appealing to me, but I can’t see any way for his rhetoric to translate into action with Congress as we have it. 4. I

Congrats! Go have an adventure. You can always move back.

Hey, all. I’ve been very excited for the past few days because I got a job interview in the UK. They’re flying me out in a couple of weeks and everything! The idea of getting this job and having to pick up my life and start over is a little scary, but it’s nice to get an interview after weeks of leads that went

Uhm, a predatory animal held in captivity followed its natural instincts. I feel deeply sorry for this woman and her family and colleagues, but that is a dangerous profession that she chose to go into, because tigers are tigers. Fuck you, not the tiger.

Not to be outdone (but still hopelessly cute):

Yes, I would certainly like to know more about the wealthy kids of NYC. I certainly know nothing of them. ::eyeroll::

Hope she doesn’t wind up with a shmexually shmansmitted shmisease.

True story - My super pretty friend had the sex with him. She said 7/10.

To be fair - pretty people’s 7/10 is my 11/10

My wife is from Charlotte and she just educated me on this. You are absolutely right. Yes, Charlotte is facing the wrath of doing the right thing. Perhaps, I hope, because Charlotte is NC’s economic hub, and much of Charlotte’s money goes back to the state, businesses and corporations may start pulling out, affecting