Queef Latinah

I had a very weird experience with that. I was a bond trader in the 80’s. I had started as an assistant and shortly after hiring me my boss started calling me to go to the movies or dinner. Finally, on advice from my dad, I met with him and basically said “if you hired me to date me, well , that would be a disaster

Jesus, the restaurant industry. I’ve had ~20 jobs and the only ones I've been harassed at were restaurant jobs. Like, all of them.

I’n starring the fact that she had his ass reported. Not the feet photos. Christ, that's messed up.

I still kick myself for being too young to know how not ok the harassment I experienced at the restaurant I worked at was. Instead, I quit because I started having panic attacks.


We can be friends. I love cereal.

But I think I’m ungrayed now, so yay??

It always happens that way, right? I have definitely put up with things in relationships that I would never have imagined. Sometimes it’s way easier to see it when it’s not your situation.

Y’all, don’t judge me, but I got a box of wine today.

I have a research paper due in less than 24 hours worth 50% my grade and I just started today. I would appreciate stories of putting things off. Both those that fucked you over and those in which you pulled off miraculous feats and kicked ass.

You DON’T need to spend all your time with someone you’re dating! You get to decide how your relationships work! I think the clingers are probably approaching you because they sense your self-esteem issues or something else they interpret as “will be happy to have me glomming onto them 24-7.” Don’t know you, but do

Guys, I’m lonely as all hell. I recently moved to the city with my boyfriend to get my MFA at a rather prestigious art school. Unfortunately, his work schedule doesn’t line up too well with my class schedule, and I spend most of my time alone in our apartment with my cats. My first semester is almost over, and I

I finally got a job after being off in June! The pay is way better, and they have real benefits! I was all set to negotiate the salary, I was going to start out with I thought would be the top of their range, but then the guy started out with an offer that was 5k more than I was going to ask for. The problem is, now

You look fly as fuck, and that headband is the business. Just keep moving! You are not a princess! Repeat after Drax :

Thank you! I decide I want to look nice and be fab. Not to attract someone else, but to cheer myself up a bit.

I’ve come to realize that I really don’t have any friends, and it’s bumming me out. I have my husband, who’s working out of town for the next couple of months, and my siblings who all live in different states than me, and that’s really it. My husband has friends that I’m quite fond of, and I have work acquaintances,

I know this is the most pathetic question, but I’m home alone since a friend cancelled plans on me (yet again... it’s been a terrible week) and I might as well get some advice from bomb ass ladies.

Ugh, I’m sorry you’re going through this, but you look fab!

So I could really use some friendship tonight and interaction. As some of you know I have been having a hard week with a breakup that happened Monday. I’ve been dealing with periods of being okay, sad, and angry. I have been keeping myself busy doing things. I bought myself new clothes, earrings, a headband, and a MAC

So I haven’t exactly been MIA recently, but I have been less engaged over the past three weeks or so. Whoops!