
The link in the first sentence goes to a Gawker (R.I.P.) article explaining both.

I think the strategy is to promote the idea that calling racism racism is far more racist than racism. I’m dead serious here.

This is the new white supremacist strategy: ATTACK THE REPORTER as a distraction when they call you out on your bullshit. When are journalists going to learn how to pierce this? Additionally, why are they giving these monsters a platform to gaslight America?

I am so glad you wrote this. I heard this this morning and was incensed. Using the “ppl in the gay community say the word dyke so why can’t I?” argument is tone deaf at best and horrendously bigoted at worst. Not that I was expecting anything less from a Bannon defender.

IT IS NOT NATE SILVER’S FAULT THAT PEOPLE DON’T UNDERSTAND PROBABILITIES. He gave Trump a higher chance of winning the presidency than the Cubs had of coming back and winning the World Series after Game 4 and we literally all JUST saw that happen. He doesn’t conduct the polls, he aggregates them, and there was no way

There’s a time-honored All-American custom about finding work: when the factory closes, you get up and move! You move to where the jobs are, or at least the kids do. I’m the wandering child of wandering parents who left to find better lives out of their places of birth. I have no sympathy for young people who have

Fucking hell!

Abortions have been legal in the US for 40 years, yet pro-lifers still protest it daily. At the same time, these people want us to stop protesting a fucking election less than a week after it’s happened. Fuck this bullshit, they can handle us protesting this man and his actions and everyone who voted for him for at

No puppet, no puppet. You’re the puppet.

That’s not a daily special, it’s a permanent menu item.

It means that Trump was not the choice of the majority of American voters. It means that for the second time in 16 years, a Republican president has been chosen against the democratic will of the people. It means that Donald Trump cannot honestly claim a mandate to rule according to his whims. It means that calls for

No fucking shit.

Stop saying shit is meaningless. That’s why people sit at fucking home and don’t vote, or vote third party, or elect a hate-spewing racistmisogynisticpieceofshitasshole for our president.

Same. I’m proud to see Americans exercising their right to peaceful protest.

Thank you! Glad there’s at least one reason out there for someone to smile today.

I realized this morning that I am moving through the five stages of grief. I’m telling myself it’s okay to process all of this right now because that the time for acting and doing will come soon.

That’s the point. Passion and dedication WERE alienating 40 years ago, 20 years ago, etc., especially from a woman and a wife who should ‘know her place,’ so she had to change to be accepted as a politician’s wife.

Gonna leave this here.

This isn’t going to happen but I still hope in her acceptance speech as she wins she’ll just be like “Oh btw, everyone call me ‘President Rodham’ kthxbai.”