
They are the exact same hardware but in the USA there are specific phones for Sprint and Verizon because they require the serial numbers to already exist in their inventory system to be activated.

I threatened my carrier (Telus) that I was going to switch to a competitor and they have given me unlimited text messaging for free to get me to stick around.

Scalpers are more like Viagara sales these days. The most successful ones are buying time on botnets and renting cloud server time on things like amazon and rackspace cloud servers now.

The email address for Toshiba hard drive repair department is:

It's ok but gets abused by the drivers. In my area they never make a delivery attempt. Never. They drive directly to your mailbox with a stack of notices already filled in for every package they were supposed to deliver and then drop everything at the local outlet. Then you need to wait until the end of the day

Rolling out waiting lists for iphone 4 in store pickup.