Who in the show do you think has the best tits? For me it's Daenerys' partner. The one with the afro.
Who in the show do you think has the best tits? For me it's Daenerys' partner. The one with the afro.
I use Fitocracy and I really like it. It really encourages you to be active and it has a great community. You log in your routines and the site turn that into points that raises your score. You can even 'level up' when your score is high enough.
I think this was a good opportunity to market yourself bud. The reason they are getting more views than you is because they market themselves like mad.
Oh man I love this guy! You should check out his DeviantArt one too. For those that actually use DeviantArt that is...
I can't imagine the pain he's going through.
I'm sure anyone who loves Breaking Bad knows that theory. It does make a lot of sense but personally, how things are playing out, I think the gangs in Czech that Walt pissed off for leaving are going to kill Skyler.
Watching this makes me wish they made a sequel to Chrono Trigger.
I think Walt is going to kill Jessie imo. And I think Hank will be the one to kill Walt. Either way I'm sure we can agree that Walt will die.
One of the reasons I love this show so much. Look at it closely, not only does the plate signify the turning of Walt's age but it also reflects Walt as a person. Compare the texture of the bacon between the first and last image. You see that? And look at the eggs. God this show, THIS SHOW! It's too much!
'I am the one who knocks' for me.
Man I've been waiting for someone to start a thread on this. I don't know what's Gawker's deal, I've seen nothing, NOTHING in response to the latest episode. As for my opinion, I love it. When Hank punched Walt it was the biggest 'OH SHIT!' moment I've ever experienced.
Really? No sarcasm here? He was asking about our opinions on the latest episode of Breaking Bad lol. Sorry mate.
Thank you for repeating a Youtube comment...
Does anyone else notice how Patricia is usually behind the weird articles?
And it still kicks my ass like the original. Good on you Missile Command.
I never said that. Learn to read. Asshole.
Hits close to home, does it, Evan?
I wouldn't call her a fake but it does seem like she's trying to hard. It's like, "look at me! I'm funny, witty and I play lots of games! You have to accept me!". Personally I don't care who you are but if you play games and are a fan of a bunch of franchises then that's cool. But don't make it friggin obvious like…
I wish I had that device for all the awkward situations I've experienced in my life.
Finn should never have irises. Only pupils.