
Where did you find it?

You are full of shit.

I think this is how I will end my night. Thanks Luke.

CMNT: Chibi Mutant Ninja Turtles. That's what this looks like.

Now THAT'S a tattoo!

This is the generation of backpedaling and the realization of the power of the consumer.

I'm still waiting for my shadow of the colossus a cappella from him.

Some of the death scenes in this game seemed gratuitous and out of place.

Get the pickle out of your ass or learn to comprehend better please.

lol a large list.

Define 'Real video gaming'.

Lmao he does look it.

I'm pretty much at the ex-player stage.

I have no freaking clue what is going on in the story now. What has become of Naruto? Did he become Hokage? Anyone care to fill me in?

Ok guys. That's just one pokemon, you have like 300 more left undiscovered.

It's a really cool idea, and I like the process but when I look at the image all I see is a gradient. Only someone who has seen Top Gun would feel the effects of the painting.

There are more moments where she swears but he's got most of them.

Her mistake was using "the fourth of July". She could have written, "Independence Day" and avoid any confusion.

That wasn't bad but I wish the firework effects were a bit bigger.

No. They're not a company, they're a goddamn empire.