When I read that it was going to be an hour I got pretty excited. I thought to myself how much content there would be...and then I saw the translator...
When I read that it was going to be an hour I got pretty excited. I thought to myself how much content there would be...and then I saw the translator...
You think you're safe? Remember, God has killed more people than I have, Lots more. NO ONE IS SAFE!
Damn, I wish he had a CG HUB.
Here's my opinion:
Read the article Broski.
Same goes for boobs.
This has nothing to do with the article but I gotta say, Luke Plunkett writes the best titles for his articles.
Now I wish I had a powerful computer...
Those bastards!
What happened to your recommended status mate?
I can not stop laughing.
This guy made me create a CG HUB page. Before I had a DeviantArt page. I take one look at it and all I can think of is this:
it tells you. Subtlety though. Some scientist uncaged the monkeys that were tested with the virus. That's how it spread.
Nerd Rage was easily the best one but can someone explain just what the hell happened in Corpse Run?
Hodor definitely has a way with words.
If it wasn't for the photograph I would not have been able to tell what it was.
C'mon GameFreak. Make me proud.
They should try putting Ellie in front of Joel next time.
This angers me so much. Nintendo recycles ideas like mad and even takes game mechanics from previous franchises and adds them to newer ones. Why can't they do something with Super Mario Galaxy's gravity mechanic and implement it to F-Zero? Jesus Christ! The sole fact that there is a community of fans ready to play an…
Is there a video showing the worst of e3 2013?