
I played for maybe 45 minutes and decided I’m going to return it. Too buggy, controls too wonky, have to mess with way too many settings to get it to NOT be a blurry mess.

I just want to say this about the Tesla man, though:

I played the briefly released beta version of Alien Isolation with the Oculus Rift (devkit). I used an Xbox controller for all movement and shooting—facing and aiming was done with the right stick same as normal controller based shooters. Only difference was the headset allowed me to look around freely.

I only skimmed to see if it runs, then clicked NP really, really hard.

or. . . did you see it?

Indeed, I love Final Fantasy Tactics (but not Disgaea—it’s the IP, not the mechanics I don’t like).

Awwwww, come on! What’s more fun than inputting the cheat code that lets you fire the AIM-7 Sparrow like a machine gun?

FFVI and FFTactics Forever.

Ehh, I disagree with no one caring about these old RWD cars. I actually wanted to buy some of these a while back but couldn’t find any that weren’t clapped out or already-converted “drifting machines” so I gave up looking. That probably is biasing me, if I’m being honest.

All those racing types (except demo derby which uses already clapped out cars) use purpose-built or new-ish vehicles. They aren’t taking out of production, popular, and affordable 20 year old cars and rendering them useless for anything but drifting or LeMons racing.

Eh, I think I kinda agree with him, though. It seems like drift racing—more than other forms of auto sport—ends to end up with unrestorably destroyed cars.

Christ guys can we please be better than Barstool over here?

Fuck yeah, dude. I successfully convinced my wife to do this and we were both so fucking relaxed and happy. We are going to throw a little reception in the spring for family/friends.

FF xII was the last one that I liked after I gott past the boringness of having to start the game with Vaan. Just the look of XIII was enough to turn me away, and I actually started playing XV recently—it sucks :(. The characters are like all the worst characters since FFVII—either emo or goofy weirdos that lack

It was specifically the ‘84 2m4 that suffered from the “burning” that people talk about.

Yep. ‘85 GTs and ‘85-86 SEs had ribbed black molding and marker lights

The later ones were just as slow, and only very slightly better to drive. The whole 1988 suspension thing is way overblown by people who only read about such things.

Joke’s on you, Atlas! Kevin was a replicant all along!

Huh I guess I didn’t even realize Tesla was still using cylindrical cells at all. I haven’t kept up on battery packaging tech in the last couple years. I suppose they have to be more robust or else they would have switched to flat packs for spacial efficiency.

The real question is do you activate big head mode in NBA Jam?