@shiimera: Inform yourself first. Adblock extensions in Chrome simply hide the ads on the page. They don't stop ads from loading and taking up bandwidth and RAM.
@CasualSubversive: Coincidence. This is by the guys that created the Elementary icon theme.
Did anyone else read "mother" as a shorthand for "motherf*cker"?
Simpler latlong trick: right click on a location, click "What's here?" and look in the search box.
a) it's explorer .
No Spotify love?
@tikibomb: Once it's booted you can update the definitions on the temporary filesystem.
@FunkyMonkey: Firefox 3.5 with any number of tabs open uses 200MB on my PC, after a while.
@Xelmon: No, they're actual cells taken from her during a biopsy. It's because they're cancerous they reproduce so much.
@Marco: "if you voted for a web-based tool it had to have distinctly client-like features—such as Gmail's ability to fetch and sort email from other sources"
VOTE: Handbrake
Meh. It's like mixing loads of different paints. All you end up with is shit-brown.
@diamonddnice: Pah. 500 megs? Try a gig and a half.
@englishman: Have you tried Crunchbang?
@ssj4Gogeta: AdThwart seems to be based on ABP.
Argh! None of the extensions or themes work. Whenever I try to install one, a little translucent grey box pops up that says "Loading..." then about a minute later Chrome crashes. I can get extensions to work by extracting them and using "Load unpacked extension", but restart Chrome and poof! they're gone. Nothing…
@jeffk: Usually, a bookmarklet is a little snippet of JavaScript that gets called when a user clicks on the bookmarklet. I think it's being used incorrectly here.
@FiskFisk33: Aah! Impossible clock! #milkywayalarmclock