Honestly, I was hoping that at some point that another character offers him a kidney.
Honestly, I was hoping that at some point that another character offers him a kidney.
I'm going to sound like a bad person for writing this, but I'm glad Melissa altered the source material by having physical rape as part of Jessica's history with Kilgrave. On one hand comic JJ being forced to watch him rape others and make her beg for it is just as psychologically destructive as him torturing her…
Eh, I'm usually up for any crazy idea that Lindelof is willing to throw at me, but I just couldn't get into this. I get all the ideas and the symbolism (what dude wouldn't dream of being an intentional assassin!), but found in less entertaining from a moment to moment basis than a regular episode, which is often the…
Even though I was surprised by the abruptness of the death, I'm glad Mellisa avoided the Syler Syndrome and killed him off. No reason why the creators can't come up with another terrific villain.
Two exceptions. AKA 1,000 Cuts was originally titled AKA The Kumbaya Circle Jerk.
I think Alex is super-duper talented, and would love it if he followed the same route as Brad Bird where they give him a chance to impress everyone with big-budget animated movies (and maybe live action too).
To be fair, this applies to 99.9 percent of all shows on television. TV writers desperately needs these surprise pregnancy story-lines.
To be fair, this applies to 99.9 percent of all shows on television. TV writers desperately needs these surprise pregnancy story-lines.
All the characters are insane, but there still has to be some rationality to back it up. Virgil simply being a cheat doesn't mesh with any of the previous hints, and doesn't really explain how both John AND Erika have such a visceral hate from him. Erika doesn't even like to say his name out loud. Virgil called his…
For THIS show, that is about as definitive as you can get. The question as to who Virgil is and what crime did John commit have been dealt with, and led right back to Kevin's story. Instead of the term "planting seeds", I see it more as them throwing the out breadcrumbs, and I don't think there are any more crumbs in…
Erika was adamant that people like Virgil does not deserve forgiveness and forbids all contact. John hates him so much that he shot him three times and remains unrepentant ("I didn't try hard enough"). Being a perpetual cheat does not warrant that kind of anger. Him living so far away from everything (either by choice…
I actually thought 'Sex With a Stranger" is the funniest song written for this show. Some of that was to do with it being a pretty good parody of Partition, but a lot of it has to do with me recalling an online argument I had against some women who insisted that any woman that chooses to have one-night-stands are…
Given your constant complaining about people and sites that don't share your very specific view point, I'm surprised as to why you keep coming back to places like the AV Club and not just stick to places like tumblr.
I'm pretty sure the title "Orange Sticker" is a double meaning. Season 1 episode Guest made a big deal out of Nora wanting the three orange stickers on her convention badge as a symbol of her missing family. And this episode made a thing out of Virgil telling Nora that he is sorry for her loss, despite her having no…
Do they? Recaps are usually episode summaries with some commentary peppered in, examples being tvline and EW. Reviews are there to judge content. Go to rotten tomatoes and count how many reviews bother to analyse overriding themes.
But this isn't supposed to be a think piece either, it's a review. Recaps, reviews and think pieces all aim for completely different things, so it is more of the case of people mixing up the three rather than legitimate concerns about journalism.
She is under no obligation to go for the obvious or praise Olivia and Fitz. Those two often aren't well written enough to discuss at length, and that goes double for their relationship. Doesn't help that this whole dog-whistle politics is nowhere near as powerful as the writers think it is, given that we know that…
"This reviewer is no different from all the other mainstream reviewers who never delve into Olivia's humanity"
That's because almost all the mainstream reviewers agree that Mellie is a much better written character. And yes, that includes the POC reviewers too.
The show doesn't at all try to paint faith as a superior alternative to secularism. The show is often about how getting better is a long and painful process, thus Laurie and Tommy resorted to faith healing (and essentially starting a new cult) only because doing things the right way via group therapy wasn't getting…
bonobochick, this isn't a recap, it's a review, hence the letter grade. Personal opinions are the main point.