I just don’t see how an attitude of, “They’re not REALLY on our side because they’re white” helps literally anything. Insulting and alienating people on your own team only helps the other team.
White women who are attending this rally did not vote for Trump, and it does no good to fight with them as a group.
Yeah totally. But most of us don’t have Warren as our Senator! We have shithead Republicans and many middle of the road Democrats who we need to make sure aren’t making too many deals with the devil. :)
Yes, please. Everyone stop telling me to calm down and take the higher road. No fucking thanks. I will continue my warpath because taking the high road has gotten me nowhere. I’m not above savagery, folks.
Call your Senators, particularly if they are on the relevant committees. You can implore your Democratic Senators to stand their ground and grill the fuck out of the nominees; you can demand your Republican Senators simply agree to stall until there have been the appropriate measures taken.
Racism (the institutional kind) and racism (individual racially-motivated incidents)
Yikes! Good call on the defriending.
Can we trade her for ANYONE! She is somehow making me appreciate Kelly Dodd because at least Kelly brought interesting drama.
I think the reason Eileen and LVP clash is that Eileen is just as smart as she is, sees right through her, and LVP knows it. She’s not used to that in her castmates, and it really throws her off. Joyce was smart enough to see through her, but got too emotionally invested so LVP was able to turn that back on her and…
I wish I could super like something. This.
And you don’t want to go down that hole unless you have no reasonable choice. I made the mistake of calling the cops once when my girlfriend hit me. I wasn’t in any danger and I was angry and thought this will teach her a lesson. Once you make that call, everything is completely out of your hands and into the hands of…
That was me as a kid. Then I became an adolescent. I was raging hell which caused full on breakdowns for my parents at that age.
The best course of action, given the alternatives.
I made the mistake of calling the cops after an incident occurred at a party (drunk unstable guy threatened someone, was hit in self defense and wouldn’t leave). They ended up arresting the person who acted in self defense, despite all of us telling them he had done nothing wrong, and he had to spend a night in jail…
This Mom isn’t exactly what one would call a good or reasonable parent. Considering that this girl bounced around from home to home and then went into foster care, the issues mainly came from Mom being a POS.
Because you’re a good mother.
No no no. White people white sauces go like this:
My older sister tried to run over my mother with a car when she was about 17. Yeah, the cops were called. But she wasn’t taken to jail, the cop spent about an hour talking her down until everyone was satisfied she wasn’t going to bolt again. But she isn’t black. The problem really isn’t the police per se, but the…
Ahhh your kitties are SOOO adorable. I love the big eyes on the bottom one. We have one cat who plays fetch and another cat who has only just now - after Christmas - decided to chew on the Christmas tree lights. Maybe he thinks it’s tacky that the tree has been up for so long and we need to take it down.